Sunday, November 1, 2009

Happy Halloween

Here is our little bunny.

North Pole

We went a couple weekends ago to the North Pole. Abby had a great time with grammy and papa G. She didn't really like Santa, though!

"Big Girl" Bed

About a week ago Abby decided she liked to scream in her crib and climb herself out so we thought maybe it was time to for the toddler bed. She has been in it for a week and it is going ok. We've had a few sleepless nights!

Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Abby the model

Abby was our model at the swim school photo shoot with our instructor Lindsey. We got some really good pics. Be watching for her in our ads!
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Monday, September 7, 2009

Taste of Colorado

We went to Taste of Colorado yesterday with our friends who have Lucas. Abby and Lucas loved the train ride all by themselves. Good thing both mommy's had a beer before this adventure!

Grampy G turns 60!

Helping Grampy open his cards!

Uncle Jeffy came for a surprise visit!

Cousin Ashley's 5th Birthday

Ashley turned 5!

Thursday, July 23, 2009

Cabin Vacation

Our summer get-away in the mountains!

We went to the Cheyenne Mt. Zoo while we were down there. Abby liked the elephants and the giraffes!

Our little swimmer...

following in mommy's footsteps!

New favorite place...

under the kitchen table!

4th of July

We spent 4th of July at Heritage Square with Uncle Jason, Aunt Rachel and Cousin Ashley. The girls' (and boys) had a blast.

Riding the bus

Abby can't wait until she can ride a real school bus!


Abigail was baptized on June 28, 2009. Here she is with cousin Ashley in the dress Grammy G. made!

I love corn on the cob!

Saturday, June 6, 2009

Blanket Fun

Abby likes when Daddy takes her for a ride around the kitchen on the blanket.

Such a Cute Girl

Smile for the camera!

Hiding Out

Thursday, May 14, 2009

First Day of Daycare

Abigail is going to a home daycare two times a week! She started Tuesday. Here is her first day picture! Abby did great... mommy cried!

San Fran Pics - Finally!

Sorry it has taken so long to get these posted. This is Abby's first big trip. We went to San Fransisco!

In the airport.. flight delayed! On the plane.. she did great!

With "Aunty Michaela" Watching the Sea Lions

First boat ride.. we went out to Alcatraz!

Eating out. mommy's favorite place... chocolate factory!